• Behaalotecha – Blinded by the Light3:32

  • Tetzaveh - Beauty2:46

  • Terumah-Secrets3:21

  • Chukat hitting and effectiveness4:41

  • Vayetze Conflict Resolution4:14

  • Vayeshev - Feuds are not Black and White4:16

  • Vayechi - "Kaddish Doesn't Pay"4:05

  • Shoftim - "A Listening Heart"4:04

  • Lessons from COVID-195:04

  • Vayakhel - Wisdom vs Knowledge3:33

  • Emor - Making Your Influence Count4:07

  • Tzav - Good Deed Vs. Commandment3:21

  • MiKetz Hanukkah - Nothing is Impossible4:33

  • Ha'azinu Lend Me Your Ears4:27

  • Ki Tetze - The War from within4:33

  • Health Trumps Ritual4:31

  • Yitro - Echo Chambers3:39

  • Toldot "Parenting; Rebecca’s Failure"4:09

  • Re'eh - "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" 3:27

  • Naso Do Not Be Overly Righteous3:38


  • Vayikra - Sins of Political Leaders3:19

  • Pikudei - G_D at the table4:08

  • Shelach - "Focusing on the Wrong People3:35

  • Vayera - The Caregiver4:22

  • Va'etchanan - Brokenness3:16

  • Noach - "No Handles"3:54

  • Kedoshim - I too have faults3:48

  • Korach - Honored for Jealously4:33

  • Ekev – Yarmulke in the Cash Register 3:23

  • Pinchas - Feminism4:23

  • Balak - A Great Ass4:49

  • Lech Lecha - Finding God in Crisis4:18

  • Bechukotai - Talking About My Generation.mp34:24

  • Vaera Siyum Hashas Pros and Cons4:26

  • Mishpatim - Anti-Vaxxers3:05

  • Devarim - Google vs. Authenticity3:02

  • Ki Tisa - Relationships3:37

  • Beshalach - Taking the plunge2:38

  • Tazria - Fake News3:48

  • Nitzavim Vayelech - A lesson from President Lincoln4:34

  • Shemini - The Ultimate Sacrifice.mp33:13