"An Inside Look at Jews on Capitol Hill" with Howard Mortman in dialogue with Rabbi Shlomo Segal - YouTube with the caption - Watch "An Inside Look at Jews on Capitol Hill" with Howard Mortman in dialogue with Rabbi Shlomo Segal.

List below are past articles reflecting our congregation as a whole. 
​We hope you find them as insightful.

  1. UTJ Viewpoints - May An Electric Menorah Be Used   video: UTJ Video
  2. A Journey  Through NYCReligions article, April 9, 2021:
  3. Watch Rabbi Segal's Address to Congress click here  or read it by clicking here
  4. Press Coverage of April 8, 2020 Virtual Sedar:
  5. Brooklyn EagleTimes of Israel,  AP News
  6. The New York Jewish Week, 3/19/2019 : The Internal Eternal Light
  7. Jewish Week, 10/30/2018 : Sarah's Life Well Lived
  8. Jewish Week, 8/2/2017: On Orthodox Start Up Communities
  9. amNewYork, 8/21/2016: Crown Heights riots commemorated with Brower Park block party
  10. Brooklyn Daily, 6/23/2016: Breaking bread: Muslims, Jews come together for Ramadan feast
    Video for Breaking bread, click here
  11. Jewish Week,  4/24/2018: Within the Smoke of Incense

Kehilat Moshe in Motion

Tony Cames in dialogue with Rabbi Shlomo Segal about MLK and his impact on religion. 

Kehilat Moshe in the Press